Tuesday, February 15

DIY Cake Stands from the Dollar Store

Tater Tots and Jello is one of my favorite websites to find all sorts of easy and inexpensive DIY tutorials and ideas. And Jennifer's latest project is definitely one to pass along - a DIY Cake Stand tutorial using Dollar Tree items and at only $3.00 or so per stand, I'd say that's quite a deal!

Cake stands are so versatile, and can be used in a myriad of ways. I love the way they look on a dessert table, raising the level of various foods to catch the eye and add a little interest to an otherwise linear display. And with the trend for symmetry on party tables, you can't beat $6.00 for two matching serving pieces.

Using a chevron pattern template that she made, Jennifer took enamel paints and turned her Dollar Store finds into adorable and unique dessert plates.

Can't you just imagine the versatility of these!
Paint them to match your own party theme with your own colors, and best of all, Jen includes a free download of her chevron pattern template on her blog.

After gathering up her plates, glue, paint, exacto knives and other supplies,
Jenn paints the patterns onto the dishes and then bakes them in the oven for a few
minutes to set the paint and make it dishwasher safe.

Isn't that a great idea?? If you'd like the full tutorial, just go to

And while you're there, be sure to check out this decoupage tiered stand project
that Jenn shares from last year.

And this great decoupage tray project, too

Isn't she amazing? Love a girl who can make something cute from the aisles of the Dollar Tree!
Hope you all had a wonderful Valentine's Day!



  1. Now those plates are really cool. I love the designs. What a great idea. I am your latest follower. I saw your link on the sidebar of Sassy Sites. I would love for you to come and check out my blog and follow me back at www.diybydesign.blogspot.com. Thanks so much. Looking forward to keeping up with your blog.

  2. Thanks for sharing my tiered platters on your blog. They are super easy and fun to make!


  3. OMG, those are super cute, I'm always looking for interesting cake and cupcake stands - and I can do these myself. I would never have thought to take a plain plate and paint it!!!! Soooo cute! Thanks for sharing that, Miss Amanda!


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