It's about that time -- FOOTBALL SEASON! What little boy doesn't just LOVE his football team? With our TEAM COLORS FOOTBALL PARTY printables, he can celebrate his next birthday in the colors of his favorite team. This printables set is super and gives a choice of
TWO TEAM COLORS to customize to your own favorite team!
Best of all, the above party table was made for UNDER $100, and YES, that includes the custom made goal post and the little boy's name in letters, C-H-A-P. Cute! I hope you are inspired by the photos below.... You can find details about the party at the end of this post:

- DESSERT TABLE: Astroturf from Home Depot was used as a tablecloth. A 4'x4' backboard was covered in a navy twin sheet from Walmart ($5). A field goal post was created from pvc pipe from Home Depot (details to follow). Boxes were covered in a leather-like fabric to simulate football leather and then topped with a cut piece of astroturf. A wide orange/white dot ribbon from Hobby Lobby was glued on for embellishment. Foam footballs from the Dollar Tree were put on top of megaphones also from the Dollar Tree and covered in 12"x12" orange cardstock and blue/white dot ribbon.
- DESSERTS: Simple desserts made party planning easy and quick. Cupcakes were purchased from a grocery store and printable football lace cupcake wraps and cupcake toppers from the FOOTBALL PARTY PRINTABLES set were used to dress them up. Desserts included home made cocoa rice krispy treats, brownie bites (from Sams) with colored gumballs on top (from Party City), chocolate footballs made with molds from Spinning Leaf, football-shaped sugar cookie easily made with football-shaped cookie cutters and some melted chocolate frosting. And a large chocolate football was found at Big Lots.
- Individual servings of caramel corn in striped boxes rounded out the dessert table. The boxes were found at the Dollar Tree on the wedding aisle. They came with handles which were cut off with scissors and then the boxes were covered in the stripe printable papers which come with the FOOTBALL PARTY PRINTABLES. A tutorial on covering the boxes can be found here.
- FIELD GOAL POST: The star of the table is the field goal post made with pre-cut pieces of pieces found at Home Depot. Basically I just played around with the pieces in the store until it fit perfectly together and was the right scale needed for the table. I used 4 lengths of pvc, 2 elbow pieces and one piece that adjoined the vertical base piece to the horizontal bar piece. After fitting the pvc together in the field goal post shape, I secured the elbow pieces with a little hot glue.
- After assembling the goal post, I spray painted it bright yellow. For the CHAP letters of the child's name, I used chipboard letters from Hobby Lobby covered in the dot printable papers from the FOOTBALL PARTY PRINTABLES. The letters were attached to the goal post using a length of 1"x1/4" wood also painted yellow. The letters were screwed into the wood from the back of the letter. The wood piece was then tied onto the goal post with small rope hidden behind the letters. The goal post was then cemented into a Dollar Tree trash can using paper mache plaster.
- PARTY ACTIVITIES: The boys LOVED that the backyard was turned into a miniature Auburn football field, thanks to Chap's dad who used marking spray paint from Home Depot. It was the perfect set up for the football games they played throughout the party, and really, what could be easier for mom at a party? Just let the boys play football! An inflatable field goal post (found here) made the game play even more fun.
Party Styling & Photography: Amanda's Parties To Go
Home Depot: PVC pipe, yellow spray paint, astroturf
Dollar Tree: Megaphones, foam footballs, paper snack boxes, trash can
Hobby Lobby: Ribbon, chipboard letters, paper mache plaster
Big Lots: Large chocolate football
Big Lots: Large chocolate football
Spinning Leaf: Chocolate football molds
Online Labels: Adhesive paper for printables