As a mom of three and a party enthusiast myself, I know how the details of planning the perfect party can overwhelm a busy mom. If I can help that process along in some small way and create something personalized and special for their little one, then that makes me so very happy. There's really nothing better than a thoughtful note from a grateful mom!
Recently, I worked with a sweet mom in California on her son's Star Wars party. Yesi took some of the ideas from my own son's Star Wars party in July and created a spectacular shindig for her five year old. Yesterday she sent me photos to share.

Yesi used the Amanda's Parties To Go Star Wars Printables throughout Jameel's party from the Star Wars galactic food labels to the Jedi Knight personalized task badges for each of the guests. She made a "space" backdrop from fabric and had me create a Star Wars logo sign to attach to the fabric panel.
She served Yoda Soda, Death Star Doughnuts, Wookie Cookies and Light Sabers which she made from pretzel rods and covered them with colored chocolate and colored sugar.
The cake was perfectly galactic, too -- blue fondant with a Star Wars Logo
Thank you, Yesi, for sharing Jameel's party. I'm so happy that I could help you with Star Wars Lego party items when you couldn't find any anywhere!