I've gathered a few of my favorite ideas for decorating your Halloween mantels and more...
What a great display from The Silly Bear! I want it all.... especially those diamond-paned old windows.
Drape a little cheesecloth over your Halloween decor for instant spookiness like this idea from Centsational Girl.

A trip to the Dollar Tree for a few black crows and a walk in the back yard for some branches and you've got a great Halloween display from Wilke 365.
Possibly my favorite of the group, Show and Tell Blog combines fantastic old shutters, some moss and a few other creepy items to create a stunning mantel display.
This is such an simple idea but wow, what an impact! Modern Housez creates a spooky vignette by applying fake spider webs to curtains and adding a few bats as well. Love this!

I soooo want to do this one from Seattle Times....
what a fabulous way to greet those little trick or treaters!
I can't wait to get started!

Fun shares...I love Halloween decorating! Pop Art Minis
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