Want to add that special touch to your holiday celebrations, but don't want to invest
lots of money or time? Well, who doesn't!
lots of money or time? Well, who doesn't!
These little CANDY NAPKIN WRAPS will do the trick.
Simply print out the 2" peppermint logos from the Candy Christmas Printables collection, punch a hole on either side with a small hole punch, and thread throw a small piece of white ribbon. That's all! So quick and easy and it will add that something special to make your guests say, "Wow! How cute!"
At your holiday parties or dinners, set up a festive station for utensils, plates and drink glasses
for a even bigger "Wow" factor. These are simple projects that really make your party
stand out but don't break the bank or take lots of time to create.
for a even bigger "Wow" factor. These are simple projects that really make your party
stand out but don't break the bank or take lots of time to create.
I hope you're all getting those trees decorated and the lights plugged in!
Oh, how I love Christmas!
Oh, how I love Christmas!
These are the cutest napkin wraps! I will be making these this year. Your whole party is adorable!
Debbie-Party Patisserie
So cute! Any chance you'll be selling the sheet of peppermint circles by themselves? Thanks!
Sure, just email me at shindigparties@gmail.com.
So colourful and cute!
Very cute!! Thanks for sharing, visiting from Someday Crafts
What a cute and fun little touch!
so cute!!!
Love for you to share it at my linky party here: http://www.jaqsstudio.com/2011/12/made-by-me-10-linky-party-and-features.html
Those are so cute! I'd love for you to come by and link up at my Friday Favorites party! Today is a special Holly Bloggy Christmas edition!
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