Busy with party orders these days, I've fallen a little behind in the "mommy-preparedness" department. But no more excuses.... it's certainly time to get my act together and help my kids with their Valentine's favors for their classroom friends. I think with all the blogging about Valentines day, I thought I had their friends' Valentines treats all figured out,
and then..... wait, there's ANOTHER cute idea! I've got some to share with you today.....

In digging around the web, I've found a new website I love.....
Such Pretty Things. Jessica has so many
great ideas there including these glittery heart favor boxes
that started out as plastic Dollar Tree finds!
And for classroom treats for kids, you can't ever go wrong with marshmallow pops in Valentines colors. Make a batch for the whole class in an hour or so and wrap them in cellophane or a ziploc with the zipper cut off. Tie some ribbon around it....
add a sweet tag and you're go to go!

The Mother Huddle shares another cute and easy idea. Wrap some Hershey's miniature candy bars in scrapbook paper and add a handwritten note inside......
a little Valentine's twist on a fortune cookie.

Wouldn't these little pink boxes wrapped in lacey paper be a perfect class favor?
Such Pretty Things shares an easy tutorial on these sweet favor boxes. Fill them with M&M's or Sweet Tarts and the kids would love them for a Valentine.

Here's a classic, cute classroom favor..... a butterfly pop Valentine also from Skip to My Lou
for your little girly girl who loves butterflies to hand out to all of her friends.

Gatorade bottle covered in scrapbook paper with a sweet handwritten note
from My Creative Cafe. These were for a fourth grader who really thought s
he was getting a little too old for Valentines -- love this idea!

And of course, don't forget to download Shindig's Classroom Party printable for a super cute Tic-Tac-Toe game board favor, a treat bag topper and 4 different cupcake topper
and cupcake wraps, too.... and best of all, they're FREE!
I have an award for you over at my blog-
These are very cute ideas!!! And they look so easy! I wonder if I could get my creative neighbor to make some of this stuff for me! JK, very cute and they really do look like something even I could do.
Thanks so much, Phyllis -- I'll head right over! And Elizabeth.... you are too funny.... your neighbor might be a little overwhelmed with work right now, but you could definitely do a few of these yourself! You are quite artistic yourself!! What about those Girl Scout cookies? I'm just thinking about breakfast!
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Hi Amanda,
Thank you for posting the Valentine's Day Marshmallow Pops.
If it's ok with you, I am going to post your blog on my "Great Blogs!" section of www.SalemCountyWoman.com.
Thanks so much!
Editor, The Women of Salem County
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