Leanne says, "Most of the decorations were accumulated over time, from antique stores and "junk" sales where you find alot of camping/outdoor gear. Cute details like pine leaves and a pine cone on the food jars, the old skis, pine tree and camping tent created the perfect outdoor environment without having to brave the 107 degree summer heat.
About the cake Leanne says, "The cake was made by our local Price Cutter grocery store. Just the base, with the trees and the stream. I then purchased rock candy, tootsie rolls, bit-o-honey, and the animals and my husband, son, and I decorated it.
The Nature Hunt Tags from the printables collection were put on to old Ball canning jars that I painted "lightening bugs" on (using this tutorial) so it could also be used as a favor for the kids to take home."

Leanne was sure to have plenty of activities for the kids to keep them busy and having fun throughout the party. One of my favorites was the backpack coloring activity, and finding the canvas backpacks and fabric markers at Oriental Trading made it easy. She says that she based the party activities on the Merit Badge printables that come with the Camping Party printable collection.
Once they completed an activity, the kids were able to peel off the merit badge sticker and apply it to their Camp Maddox t-shirts. Leanne recruited a graphic designing friend to design the t-shirts and had a local screen printing shop print one for each guest. She says, "the kids loved matching and it made the party seem even more like summer camp."
The kids also enjoyed making shadow puppets in forest animal shapes, an idea Leanne got from Family Fun Magazine. And the make-your-own trail mix was a hit as well.
Thank you, Leanne, for sharing your adorable party photos! It looks like Maddox had a wonderful 5th birthday!

Linking up to: Sumo's Sweet Stuff, Keeping it Simple, Craftomaniac, Tater Tots and Jello, Skip to my Lou, Under the Table and Dreaming, Blue Cricket Design, Someday Crafts, Fireflies and Jelly Beans, House of Hepworths, Somewhat Simple, Tidy Mom,Romantic Home,Shabby Nest, Fingerprints on the Fridge, Finding Fabulous, The Girl Creative, Be Different Act Normal, Funky Junk Interiors,Today's Creative Blog, Tip Junkie, The Idea Room, C.R.A.F.T., Today's Creative Blog, Between Naps on the Porch, Thrifty Decor Chick, Making the World Cuter, Tea Rose Home, The Shabby Chic Cottage,The Trendy Treehouse, The DIY Showoff, Beyond the Picket Fence, Mad in Crafts, Sugar Bee Crafts, All Things Related, Savvy Southern Style, Whipperberry
Found you on Blue Cricket Design. Love this post! Hope you'll link it and any other kid or teen related posts that you have to our "Crafts for Under Twenty Somethings" party tomorrow! Also, any parties that are linked up are added to an ongoing party directory!
So adorable! Great idea to do this fall with the kids :)
I love it! I'm a new follower from MMM. I'm always on the lookout for new themes and ideas to match.:)
Love love love the camping theme! What a perfect theme for a little boy.
That cake looks fantastic too!
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